One of the issues I frequently observed is that mappers keep trying to add
a wikidata=... tag even when there is no perfect match. Having a
part:wikidata or a similar tag would help those mappers - indicating that
there is no perfect 1:1 match, but someone already looked at this specific
object and found another item to be a partial match.

On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 2:24 PM Paul Allen <> wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Sep 2019 at 18:31, Martin Koppenhoefer <>
> wrote:
>> Am Mi., 11. Sept. 2019 um 19:01 Uhr schrieb Paul Allen <
>> to give a practical example:
>> How should these be linked to OSM?
> I have no real understanding of the legislative or other boundaries of
> quartieres in Rome.  The
> question I'd consider important is have you mapped those two things as
> distinct OSM objects?
> If you have, then add the appropriate wikidata tags to them.  If you
> haven't mapped them
> as distinct OSM objects then there is nothing for you to add a wikidata
> tag to.
> These are moving targets, they change nature every now and then
>> (administrative entity, or not, etc.).
> If the wikidata is about the same object with the same boundaries then use
> it.  If they don't match
> then don't use it (or remap accordingly).  We're not trying to map
> everything that is in wikidata,
> we're adding wikidata, where appropriate, to things we have mapped.
> The basic assumption that crosslinked wikipedia articles are about the
>> same thing, already breaks, because different ("groups of") articles are
>> structured differently, what has one article in one language may have
>> several in another language.
> Where wikipedia articles in a language do not match the wikidata then the
> article or the wikidata
> is incorrect.  But again, it's not about trying to map everything in
> wikidata or on wikipedia, it's
> about adding those tags, where appropriate, to things that are mapped.
> If there's a matching wikidata item to an OSM object then you're free to
> tag it (if you wish) but if
> there's not a matching wikidata item then don't add a mismatched item to
> an OSM object.  It's
> not possible to add wikidata tags to every object in OSM (like lamp posts
> or unnamed ponds,
> or specific park benches) and it's not possible to map everything that has
> a wikidata tag.  It
> is simply that if there is a wikidata item matching an OSM object then it
> is convenient for data
> consumers who wish to get more information about an object if we tag it.
> It's not mandatory
> for us to add wikidata and we certainly shouldn't force square pegs into
> round holes.
> Hmmm.  Rule 0: Don't force square wikidata items into round OSM objects.
> --
> Paul
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