On Wed, 11 Sep 2019 at 18:31, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> Am Mi., 11. Sept. 2019 um 19:01 Uhr schrieb Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com
> >:
> to give a practical example:
> https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3734793
> https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1368377
> How should these be linked to OSM?

I have no real understanding of the legislative or other boundaries of
quartieres in Rome.  The
question I'd consider important is have you mapped those two things as
distinct OSM objects?
If you have, then add the appropriate wikidata tags to them.  If you
haven't mapped them
as distinct OSM objects then there is nothing for you to add a wikidata tag

These are moving targets, they change nature every now and then
> (administrative entity, or not, etc.).

If the wikidata is about the same object with the same boundaries then use
it.  If they don't match
then don't use it (or remap accordingly).  We're not trying to map
everything that is in wikidata,
we're adding wikidata, where appropriate, to things we have mapped.

The basic assumption that crosslinked wikipedia articles are about the same
> thing, already breaks, because different ("groups of") articles are
> structured differently, what has one article in one language may have
> several in another language.

Where wikipedia articles in a language do not match the wikidata then the
article or the wikidata
is incorrect.  But again, it's not about trying to map everything in
wikidata or on wikipedia, it's
about adding those tags, where appropriate, to things that are mapped.

If there's a matching wikidata item to an OSM object then you're free to
tag it (if you wish) but if
there's not a matching wikidata item then don't add a mismatched item to an
OSM object.  It's
not possible to add wikidata tags to every object in OSM (like lamp posts
or unnamed ponds,
or specific park benches) and it's not possible to map everything that has
a wikidata tag.  It
is simply that if there is a wikidata item matching an OSM object then it
is convenient for data
consumers who wish to get more information about an object if we tag it.
It's not mandatory
for us to add wikidata and we certainly shouldn't force square pegs into
round holes.

Hmmm.  Rule 0: Don't force square wikidata items into round OSM objects.

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