> we can't enforce some rules like "tag leisure=stadium can only be
> to something that is, or is derived from Q483110 (Stadium) in Wikidata"

imho:  The wikidata taxonomy is in very early stage.  but we can create
some SPARQL validating with https://sophox.org/ ;
    but this is not for the average osm editors.  it is too complex task -
fixing wikidata and osm parallel ...

$ wdtaxonomy Q483110
stadium (Q483110) •82 ×7252 ↑↑
├──Olympic Stadium (Q589481) •31 ×5
├──baseball park (Q595452) •8 ×240
├──Domed stadium (Q625797) •4 ×1
├──baseball field (Q809889) •8 ×25 ↑↑
├──velodrome (Q830528) •35 ×255 ↑
│  └──keirin racing track (Q11598565) •1 ×46
├──Dohyō (Q832429) •8
├──multi-purpose stadium (Q1049757) •8 ×104
├──association football stadium (Q1154710) •11 ×3241 ↑
│  ├──National Olympic Stadium (Q330033) •33 ↑↑
│  ├──Niigata City Athletic Stadium (Q7034374) •2 ↑↑
│  └──Estadio Independiente MRCI (Q66036711) •2 ↑
├──bullring (Q1193438) •17 ×246
├──naumachia (Q1431232) •20 ×1
├──athletics stadium (Q4256984) •2 ×12
│  ╞══National Olympic Stadium (Q330033) •33 ↑↑ …
│  ╘══Niigata City Athletic Stadium (Q7034374) •2 ↑↑ …
├──all-seater stadium (Q4728370) •1 ×3
├──Modular stadium (Q6889733) •2
├──Solar Powered Stadiums (Q7555943) •1
├──??? (Q11573504) •1 ×7
├──ice stadium (Q12019965) •9 ×138 ↑
│  └──ice hockey arena (Q3498109) •2 ×20 ↑
├──??? (Q17240246) •1
├──stadium project (Q20981001) ×2
├──Greyhound racing stadium (Q28174251) ×1
├──skiing stadium (Q31157863) ×4
├──??? (Q37025296) ×2
├──American football stadium (Q37985280) ×7
├──rugby league stadium (Q45290083) ×2
╘══Estadio Independiente MRCI (Q66036711) •2 ↑ …

( created with https://github.com/nichtich/wikidata-taxonomy tool )

Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. szept. 6., P,

> Last year there was a little discussion about unique wikidata ids in the
> openstreetmap database:
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2018-August/038249.html
> It was more or less decided there was no problem with this. Nevertheless,
> I think we should consider having a hard rule of "*A Wikidata item cannot
> be connected to more than one OSM item*".
> Problems with not enforcing this rule:
> - the problem of a partially downloaded database, where one is never sure
> if a wikidata item is fully downloaded unless the whole database is
> downloaded.
> - we could get a flood of wikidata tags where one would, for example, tag
> every building in a town with the wikidata id of the town, because that
> building is a part of the town. Is that wrong tagging? Well, if the above
> rule is not in place, I'm not sure.
> - if a road segment has two road routes that are using it, then we should
> tag it as "wikidata=Q1234;Q5678". That means, if we want to find any
> wikidata id, we should be prepared to parse all wikidata tags and be
> prepared for semicolons. This slows down any wikidata searches
> - we can't enforce some rules like "tag leisure=stadium can only be
> connected to something that is, or is derived from Q483110 (Stadium) in
> Wikidata" because, if we tag all the parts of an entity, we can also tag a
> water fountain in the stadium, because that is a part of it.
> So I propose we enforce this rule, and we tag, for example, railways only
> on the route relation.
> If one wants to tag all route segments with a wikidata tag, I propose a
> general usage "*part:wikidata=**" which would be used when a single
> wikidata tag just isn't viable. Proposal wiki page here:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/part:wikidata
> Thanks for reading,
> Janko Mihelić
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