TagInfo actually shows 29 counts of amenity=dog_parking. I’ve only seen 
designated spots for dogs. Leaving a cat there might not be safe for either 


> 20 авг. 2019 г., в 16:15, Jmapb via Tagging <tagging@openstreetmap.org> 
> написал(а):
>> On 8/20/2019 4:57 AM, Andrew Davidson wrote:
>> On 20/8/19 6:24 pm, John Willis via Tagging wrote:
>>>>>      So let's standardize on a tag:
>> amenity=hitching_post
>> hitching_post=dog ?
>>> Interestingly, one of the items they sell is a green 30x30cm marker
>>> to go on the sidewalk in front of the pole - literally a sign for the
>>> designated spot for dogs to wait.
>> Japanese dogs must be pretty cluey ;-)
> Sounds like this one literally is a hitching post, so
> amenity=hitching_post would be fine. But ideally IMO we'd want something
> described by function more than form, so people wouldn't feel like the
> need to invent a new tag for each style. (A ring, a doghouse, a
> designated indoor room, a fenced pen...)
> Actually, this reminds me of bicycle parking more than anything else...
> so amenity=animal_parking? Adding animal=dog (horse, camel, whatever)
> would mesh well with the existing use of the animal=* tag.
> J
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