On Tue, 18 Jun 2019 15:07, Jason wrote:
> That was silly of me.  It would be better to have
> hitching_point=post|rail|loop|hook|yes.
> And use hitching_point:for=dog|cat|horse with semicolon multiple values
> permitted.
> [...] hitching_point:capacity, hitching_point:material etc can be added
> later if really required.

This seems sensible. In this case, the tags should be added to a node from
the building's outline, rather than to an amenity, shouldn't they?

On 6/18/2019 3:07 PM, Jason wrote:
> Why tie your dog to a hook for free when instead you could pay for a
> private climate-controlled
> doghouse on the sidewalk, complete with a smartphone app that locks the
> door and shows you
> the doghouse webcam?

Huh. I didn't know that was a thing. Some cities have no facilities for dogs
and others have too many.

On 6/18/2019 3:07 PM, Jason wrote:
> I wouldn't want to tag these as "hitching_point" because there's no hitch.
> I might have been
> inclined to shoehorn them into amenity=animal_boarding, but it since they
> fill the same need
> at the hitching points I wonder if there should be a tag that could apply
> to both of these items.

amenity=animal_boarding is meant for pet resorts with caretakers. I can't
find a standard tag for doghouses... Maybe amenity=shelter or building=roof?

I don't think they should share any tag as the only thing they have in
common is that they're both intended for dogs to wait inside.

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