On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 7:42 AM Andy Townsend <ajt1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Where Garmin on-device routing is really useful is for when you need to get 
> to somewhere but don't have an on-screen route to follow - for example if the 
> weather's turned and you need to abort a previously planned route and get 
> another route to your destination from where you currently are.  It's also 
> useful where there are natural obstacles like rivers, where the distance on 
> foot may be significantly more than the as-the-crow-flies distance.

Thanks for that insight! Without it, I was having trouble figuring out
why you'd ever use on-device routing for a hike. Hiking is so seldom
about finding the easiest path from A to B!  And I should have thought
of that, because one thing on my 'bucket list' that may well remain
unfulfilled is the ambition to climb Mount Washington in New
Hampshire, and descend on the side where my car is parked. The routing
I'd want in a lot of cases would be 'shortest time to get into tree
cover' or 'shortest time to get to a paved road.' (For 'time', if I'm
doing an estimate for a group, I use "2 miles (3.2 km) per hour, add
40 minutes for every thousand feet (300 m) of elevation change - up or
down. Maybe fiddle the number if there are fords, rock scrambles, or
other known slowdowns." Sorry for working in Freedom Units - it's
what's printed on the maps around here.)

My personal use of GPS when hiking tends to be to pull it out every
half-hour or so as a cross-check on navigation. A little more often,
perhaps, if I know that I've departed a trail and I'm trying to choose
a heading back to it. I tend to favour hiking on trails where you
*will* lose the trail from time to time, or rather abandon it, because
of a rock slide, a microburst, or a flood. The last is particularly
common, because our good friend Castor canadensis has a way of
modifying the landscape faster than the trail builders can respond,
partly because he never troubles to get planning permission or write
an environmental impact statement. Moreover, once you are more than a
few km from the nearest highway, all trails get pretty approximate. I
have the impression that trails in your part of the world are a lot
better defined and maintained.
73 de ke9tv/2, Kevin

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