On 17/08/2019 07:28, Peter Elderson wrote:
Gpx gaps in some software do show up as straight lines. If it's just a
missing piece and the rest is in order, no problem. In the case of the
E2 in Yorkshire, lots of straight lines. Feed that to a navigation
device and it will have you start in Muston, take you around and
across the entire region multiple times, and end up near Barnetby Ie
Wold. You wil actually have followed the E2 as well, I'll give you that!
"Following in the E2 in Yorkshire" would be an odd thing to do as there
are two parallel legs of it (see
https://hiking.waymarkedtrails.org/#?map=8!54.1195!-1.3988 ). From the
Humber bridge one side follows the Wolds Way / Cleveland Way etc. to
just west of Darlington, and on the other side of the county it runs
from the Tan Hill Inn down the Pennine Way. The problem here isn't the
mapping in OSM, but the decision by whoever created the route to have
two parallel routes called the same thing.
What you'd logically actually do on the ground, of course is ignore the
E2 altogether (it's not signed here) and either follow the Pennine Way
signage or the Wolds Way / Cleveland Way etc. signage.
Best Regards,
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