On 07/07/19 10:42, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
From the talk page:
I propose to tackle the varying quality of this page in different languages by
changing Map
Features to a single multilingual page that outputs its text in the user’s
preferred interface
The tag tables can be generated from Taginfo/Taglists. For the best results it
should be
possible to set the description of each tag in each language ahead of writing a
documentation page.
The introduction becomes a translatable {{int:…}} string, the message for each
transcluding a template of the actual introduction.
The section headings and table headers also become {{int:…}} messages.
--Andrew (talk) 11:47, 5 July 2019 (UTC)
Generating the tables from taginfo taglists is a good idea. But {{int:…}} would
require the
translations to live in the MediaWiki: namespace, which is only editable by
While that's reasonable for widely used templates, elements like the
introduction to this
page are only relevant to a single page. If we rely on taginfo taglists, then
there's not as
much to translate manually as part of the page anyways. – Minh Nguyễn 💬 22:06,
6 July
2019 (UTC)
I partially agree with Minh's comments. It would be easier to maintain
the page if the descriptions came directly from the description=*
field in the ValueDescription box on each Tag page. This would also
make it clear that a feature can't be added to Map Features without a
wiki page (something that happens surprisingly often).
I've been trying to updated the translated Indonesian Map Features
page. The biggest problem is that you need to check each of the newly
added features on the English page to check if they are actually
approved or de facto tags, rather than a new tag that was added
without discussion. I've already removed a number of tags from the
amenities section that were added without discussion in the past 2
years, but there are several more that should be discussed and status
changed to "De facto"'
My understanding is that tags on the Map Features page should be
status = De facto or status = approved, for consistency.
status=approve means it has beeen voted on byt the tagging list and passed.
status=de facto means it was in use before the tagging list made up the
approval process, and is generally accepted?
Other status values exist .. why is there a need to ignore or change them?
Perhaps it's possible to include an icon or text column on the Map
Features page that states the status of each tag, Approved, De facto,
In use, Proposed etc.? This would make it easier to find tags that
still need discussion
Arr .. better.
But ... proposed tags I don't think should be propagated for the general OSM
population use. These are still under discussion and can change.
Finding tags that 'need discussion' can be done using the status tag ...
On 7/7/19, Andrew Hain <andrewhain...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
I have been working on a scheme to improve the cross-language quality of Map
Of course the page may deserve a bigger or deeper rethink.
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