Having today downloaded and read SN01360 [2] |I disagree with the interpretation. In that document there is only one mention of 'aisle' it being an 'access aisle' in Section 5.4 paragraph marked Off-Street Parking  -" *Off-street parking*: bays should be a minimum of 4800 mm long
by 2400 mm wide with additional space: (1) where bays are
parallel to the access aisle and access is available from the side an
extra length of at least 180 0mm, or (2) where bays are
perpendicular to the access aisle, an additional width of at least
1200 mm along each side.

I read that as saying the 'access aisle' is that which in OSM is marked as 'parking _aisle', and it leads to a parking bay designated for disabled users, the 'access aisle' is not exclusively for the use of disabled users. I am of the opinion that 'access' is misinterpreted to refer only to disabled users which is a very restrictive interpretation of the usual interpretation of access being for anybody. I think it is something to be very careful about. Usage in the UK supports my interpretation - I know of many car parks where ordinary and disabled spaces are next to each other and accessed by a single way which has no restrictions.

For parking bays I think that the tag:amenity=parking _space is clear.


On 02/05/2019 08:21, Alessandro Sarretta wrote:

Hi Clifford,

On 02/05/19 00:13, Clifford Snow wrote:
Since the off loading area is called an access aisle, both in the US and UK [2], it seem to me that it would be an appropriate term to use. Would using highway=footway + footway=access_aisle +  wheelchair=yes be a more acceptable tagging scheme? My concern is that just adding wheelchair=yes to a footway doesn't get at the requirement for the width of the access_aisle.

[1] https://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/buildings-and-sites/about-the-ada-standards/guide-to-the-ada-standards/chapter-5-parking [2] https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN01360/SN01360.pdf

I'm really supporting your proposal for a highway=footway + footway=access_aisle.

I would match this with a wheelchair=designated instead of a wheelchair=yes, as suggested by Mateusz Konieczny.



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