There are 457 uses of booking=* in the data base. I have used it on camping sites that require seasonal booking.

Humm reception and checkin as the same?

I did propose amenity=reception .. failed as some did not want it as amenity ... I use it.

Should I use it for check in? Possibly.
So amenity=reception for airport check ins.. ??? Any other ideas?

On 13/04/19 08:40, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Fri, 12 Apr 2019 at 21:49, Paul Allen < <>> wrote:

    On Fri, 12 Apr 2019 at 10:13, bkil <
    <> <>> wrote:

        Also, I was just considering whether we could unite related
        like ticket booths/ticket check/vending/reception/information
        desk/check-in for various places like camp_site, hotel, motel,
        guest_house, school, office, mall, community_centre,
        events_venue, cinema, theatre, music_venue, nightclub, public
        transport, etc.

You could probably get away with classifying almost all of those as check_in, or maybe reception? For most of those venues, though,"reception" would be immediately inside the front door, so there wouldn't really be a need to show where it is.

An exception to that would be airports, where your ticket desk/s can be located almost anywhere, & you'd then also have to specify that this is the check-in for Airline A, that one is Airline B & so on

    Such merging may cause problems for (some) editors.  If you can
    guarantee that all
    camp sites, hotels, motels, etc. can potentially have any of
    ticket booths, vending, check in,
    etc. then that's fine.  E.g., if A could have any of X, Y or Z; B
    could have any of X,  Y or Z;
    C can have any of X, Y or Z; etc. that isn't a problem.  The
    editor's code just handles it as
    a list of X, Y and Z can apply to A, B and C

    What would be a problem is if A can only have X or Y; B can only
    have Y or Z; and C can only have
    X or Z.

Yes, we see this with some of the camping grounds we regularly go to. Some have offices / kiosks, where you check in on arrival; some have no check in requirements at all - you just arrive, pick a (unmarked) spot & set up; while others have to be booked online before you go.

These could probably all be covered by check_in=yes / no / online_only, possibly together with a bookings=(url)?



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