
Le 11.04.19 à 16:43, Volker Schmidt a écrit :

> OpenCycleMap renders a "highway=path" with "bicycle=yes" in the same way 
> as a dedicated cycleway ("highway=cycleway" with our without 
> "bicycle=designated") or a combined foot-cycle-way ("highway=path" with 
> "foot=designated" and "bicycle=designated"). A "highway=path" with no 
> "bicycle=yes" or with "bicycle=no" is shown with a separate rendering 
> which is also used for "highway=footpath"

look like a bug/feature in a OpenCycleMap style.
as you said, in a lot of country bicycle=yes is already
the default value for highway=path
highway=path" + "bicycle=yes is not better than highway=path
but to use each country's default values on a global rendering,
you probably need a preprocessor which OpenCycleMap maybe don't want.

> The real problem is that many mappers with mountain-bike interest use 
> this to distinguish what they consider paths for MTBs ( "highway=path" 
> with "bicycle=yes") from paths they do not consider MTB suitable by 
> tagging them without "bicycle=yes".

look like wrong. some mtb tag exist (including the misued mtb=*,
misused because I doubt there are so many signs saying that
a path is forbidden to mtb's.
what's a path not MTB suitable ?

> This confusion is not helped by the iD mappers who are invited to fill 
> in the detailed access tables independently of any default values.

it would be a good suggestion to suggest to iD to improve the interface 
in order to ask users to fill in the real access restrictions.
I had seen a path between the street and a shopping mall with horse=no 
because iD had asked the user if it was allowed, and he considered
that it should not be ridden :) while there was obviously no access 
restriction, only the feeling because the editor ask it.

> This has come up up (again) in the context of a nation-wide attempt in 
> Italy to review all mountain hiking trails of the Italian Alpine Club 
> (CAI) and insert them with details into OSM.

add mtb: related tag.

> remove during that operation the apparently redundant 
> "bicycle=yes" tagging or not.

it seem a good idea.

> how to proceed

after the general discussion here, it is up to the Italian community
to decide. This can be done at the same time as adding the mtb 
information or someone can offer a mass edition in Italy
if the local Italian community wishes so.

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