It would be easiest to add “holding_position=runway” to the existing
“aeroway=holding_position” tag. This way, any database users who are
already using “aeroway=holding_position” do not have their data broken, and
he detail can be added incrementally

BTW, why do you need the line mapped  rather than a node on the runway or
taxiway? Is this for more precise rendering on a flight simulator?


On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 6:59 AM Graeme Fitzpatrick <>

> On Fri, 29 Mar 2019 at 04:34, Mark Wagner <> wrote:
>> How does this differ from aeroway=holding_position
> On Fri, 29 Mar 2019 at 06:04, Steven Estes <> wrote:
>> Tackle this a bit on the proposal page, which notes that holding_position
>> as currently formulated has two limitations. First, it's  fairly broad.  It
>> includes runway holding position markings, ILS critical holding position
>> markings, and interim holding position markings.  Each of these markings is
>> used in a different way, and if I were to pull OSM data into a flight
>> simulation environment, the lack of distinction would be a huge problem.
> How about modifying the existing tag to aeroway=holding_position:runway &
> aeroway=holding_position:intermediate (or similar arrangement); or
> alternatively aeroway:holding_position=runway / intermediate / anything
> else?
> Second, it's defined as a node rather than a way, but to be useful, the
>> full hold line (holding position marking) needs to annotated as it can't be
>> assumed that the line is either straight or perpendicular to the taxiway
>> centerline.  If the second issue were the only problem, I'd be inclined to
>> just modify the existing tag to include ways (which appears to be used in
>> 20% of all cases anyway).
> & do just that - change the wording to only map it as a way, not a node.
> It would appear, though, that they're currently not rendered (at least on
> the main map - is there an aero map, similar to Open Sea Map?), & I would
> think it fairly unlikely that they ever will be, so the distinction seem a
> bit moot?
> Thanks
> Graeme
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