Hi again,
lets ignore the cycleway:left:oneway=-1 for a moment and just consider
cycleway:left=lane vs cycleway:left=opposite_lane.
To me the main difference is, that cycleway:left=opposite_lane can only
be used when the carriageway itself is a one way street (legally speaking).
because of that, opposite_lane is conditioned on and mixing two
conceptional different physical objects (cycleway and carriageway), that
are only represented as one osm way.
Remove oneway=yes (/form the carriageway/) and you need to change
cycleway:left=opposite_lane into cycleway:left=lane, too.
Also, have you considered, how you would tag a dual-cycleway on the
left-hand side of a one way carriageway?(eg cycleway:left=? +
(P.S. I'm assuming right-hand-traffic)
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