I have actually done that, a "stub" containing one nwn hiking path which
also acts as the NL part of an iwn route. It was the only way to get the
tagging of names, international names, colours and osmc:symbols right.

On waymarkedtrails it works like a charm, but I'm less sure about OsmAnd.

Fr gr Peter Elderson

Op vr 15 mrt. 2019 om 15:24 schreef Martin Koppenhoefer <

> sent from a phone
> > On 15. Mar 2019, at 14:43, Peter Elderson <pelder...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I like Sarah's proposal too, especially for walking routes. I'm not sure
> it would work for complex PT routes, where routability is involved.
> how can we state that a route is complete and also a segment of another
> route? Safest way would be a third relation with just the segment as only
> member for the “complete” route, but maybe it can be done more elegantly
> with 2 relations rather than 3?
> Cheers, Martin
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