On Thu, 28 Feb 2019 at 13:15, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> not working around here (central Italy). We have already tagged a lot of
> roads with service=alley in old settlement centres, and legally this is
> what they are (oftentimes): legally accessible roads, but physically not.
> You may ride your Vespa or bike or motorbike, even your Fiat 500, if it
> fits, but the way is not generally suitable for cars.

Just to throw some more confusion into the mix...

In my town there are four ways (perhaps more that I have yet to survey)
that provide access to
the rear entrance of houses and to garages.  They are all dead ends and
could be regarded
as access=private or destination.  They are all either unpaved or with
surfaces that are more
pothole than paving.   They could be tagged as highway=service ("This is
also commonly
used for access to parking, driveways, and alleys.") with or without
service=alley ("An alley
or alleyway is a narrow service road usually located between properties to
access things such as back gardens, rear entrances, fire exits, and storage

Given the known age of some of the properties and the general architectural
similarities with
the properties of known ages and the others around them, I'd guess that
these properties
were constructed around the  time when the height of sanitation was to have
an outside,
non-flushing toilet which was emptied daily by the "night soil man."  And
that these properties
were in the newer, up-market part of the town where they could have the
additional sophistication
of a rear alley so that the night soil man didn't have to access the rear,
outside toilet via the
house itself and carry a bucket of unpleasant material through the house to
exit via the front door.

So they're alleys as the wiki describes such things.  But not what the US
calls alleys, which are
narrow through ways normally not wide enough for vehicles but are
non-private and accessible
by pedestrians and perhaps bicycles.

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