Am Do., 28. Feb. 2019 um 12:59 Uhr schrieb Janko Mihelić <>:

> I think we should add a new type of footway, and then render it the way
> people like. For example, footway=alley. Wikipedia page for alley has
> photos of exactly the old town streets as I believe you are talking about.
> That way service=alley is reserved for American type alleys for garbage
> trucks, and footway=alley is reserved for old town streets.

not working around here (central Italy). We have already tagged a lot of
roads with service=alley in old settlement centres, and legally this is
what they are (oftentimes): legally accessible roads, but physically not.
You may ride your Vespa or bike or motorbike, even your Fiat 500, if it
fits, but the way is not generally suitable for cars.

This is not only about width, it is also about sharp bends (or
accessibility via steps). Note that not all kinds of steps are impossible
to drive on, if there is just a step every meter you can drive with any car
on it (flat_steps=yes).

I looked at tag info, there are 102 footway=alley tags already.

IMHO not needed, but feel free to contradict me ;-)

We do not need a new tag to retag situations where highway=pedestrian is
misused. There is already highway=footway that should be used for ways
which are not actual "roads" but smaller.

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