Venice situation is unusual but not unique and in other contexts different 
tagging schemes have been used, not limited by the footway/pedestrian 

As an example see how this road in Mackinac Island (/no motor vehicles 
there.../) is tagged:

I've seen others too, but OTOMH I can't remember where, probably France 
(/possibly St. Malo.../) and/or Netherland, but by Googling for "pedestrian 
town/city" and then checking on OSM,  several pops up...



On 2019-02-26 15:30, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Am Di., 26. Feb. 2019 um 14:40 Uhr schrieb Sergio Manzi < 
> <>>:
>     ... and not only cycleways: have a look here, where I live: 
>     All are "highway=pedestrian", at the same level, but believe me: they are 
> not!
> Venice is a globally unique (or maybe almost unique) exception anyway, but 
> what we currently have there is the result of people reclassifying all the 
> footways as pedestrian roads, even if they are 50 cm wide. I have started in 
> the past several attempts to open a discussion on this, but it felt like Don 
> Quixote. See this as an example: 
> I have surveyed it 
> myself, like many others, where I began to reclassify the very narrow 
> footpaths from pedestrian to footway, but I am not local and people destroy 
> the finer grained distinction of footway and pedestrian as soon as you add 
> them, I guess they do not want the red dots. It is unfortunate, because it 
> makes the Venice map much harder to read and less useful. If you are local, 
> please try to improve the situation, we do not need new tags, it would be 
> sufficient to apply the existing ones consistently rather than 
> indiscriminately.
> Cheers,
> Martin

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