sent from a phone

> On 15. Feb 2019, at 13:20, Tobias Wrede <> wrote:
> By German law you are required to use footpaths if they exists on the road. 
> In these examples there are no footpaths on the roads so you should be able 
> to use the carriageways.

this is oversimplified, you are indeed legally required to walk on the road 
even in the presence of sidewalks: if carrying big loads. When there is no 
signage, foot=no is incorrect and will not represent the situation on the 

If nobody should ever walk in that underpass, authorities should put a sign to 
prevent them, come on, it’s Germany,  in Italy they do it:,12.5050822,0a,75y,340.46h,91.26t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sdU0xMXx0zp9JjpMHB24tOQ!2e0

Nobody sane would anyway walk into a traffic tunnel without pedestrian spaces, 
regardless of the instructions your navigation device issues ;-)

Ciao, Martin 

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