I'm a bit confused by this thread, somehow I have the impression I missed
something (that's why I left TOFU in this mail).
Anyway, I'd like to summarize:

There are many-many objects (most of them buildings - 96%) tagged with
start_date=* - I think, that's great. start_date is quite well documented
and very flexible concerning ranges and approximations.

My suggestion was to use a prefix "building:" if the start_date of the
building differs from the start_date of the amenity. It is not very common
though right now, with only 163 uses. Only 9 have both start_date and

When investigating this issue - triggered by this thread, I/we discovered
that there are alternative building age tagging schemes.

I made a search through taginfo and found some more tags:

* "building:age" - very popular (132071), but rather useless. 41% have the
  value "post_2000", 19% "pre_2000". 12.9% "10_to_30" (should this mean "
  10 to 30 years? - this is wrong on so many levels, I don't even know where to
  It's documented on the start_date page as possible tagging mistake.
* "building:year_built" - some (3005). Mostly start year or in some cases
  approximations (but different syntax from start_date).
  I found no documentation at all.
* "building:buildyear" - some (2051). Only very few objects use
  As mentioned by Sergio, it was introduced in the IndoorOSM proposal.
* "year_built" - some (2417, whereas many might not be buildings).
  No documentation.
* "building:year" - few (102).
  It's documented on the start_date page as possible tagging mistake.

It seems, that 'start_date' is be the preferred way to tag the age of a
building. Tag is popular and well documented.
I took the liberty of adding it to the additional attribute section on

What I wanted, was to introduce a way to highlight different start_dates
for the same object (e.g. old building, new use). I personally
would prefer 'building:start_date' as fallback, as it uses the same syntax
as start_date. And it could be applied to other keys as well (and this is
being used).

Do you think, that any of the other tags should be supported as well?
Anyway, I will modify the OpenStreetBrowser category to also supprt
"building:year_built", "building:buildyear", "yearbuilt" and
"building:year" (but with the syntax of the start_date tag). "building:age"
will be shown red (date format not supported).

I'm planning to introduce some quality assurance tools in OpenStreetBrowser
in the near future. I would show these alternative tagging schemes as


On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 04:08:03PM +0000, St Niklaas wrote:
> Hi Stephan & all,
> I realised this see the lines below,
> Sergio Manzi <s...@smz.it>
> Za 16-2-2019 16:06
> Hello!
> Actually the analysis was not mine, but just the result of a query in taginfo 
> (https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/?key=building%3Astart_date), but I 
> guess I understand what's going on here:
> all of the objects you're referring are tagged with a start_date=* key, while 
> the tag I was referring to (and was discussed in the mailing list) is 
> building:start_date=* (note the presence of the "building:" namespace 
> prefix...).
> A query for "your" key 
> (https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/?key=start_date) returns 14246906 
> objects!!
> I don't know how many of those more than 14 millions objects are buildings, 
> but I suspect quite a good number (an appropriate query in overpass turbo can 
> clarify that, I guess).
> Normally I'm all in for supporting namespaces, but I understand that we have 
> a problem here and it would be just silly to throw away such a bunch of good 
> information.
> I suggest you to answer to the mailing list too and underline this situation. 
> You can quote my answer in full or in part, if you wish.
> Regards and my compliments for your outstanding contribution,
> Sergio
> On 2019-02-16 15:42, St Niklaas wrote:
> Hi Sergio,
> I doubt your analyses, since almost all buildings (5 million) in the 
> Netherlands that have been imported since 2014, carry  "start_date = 2022" or 
> alike. Have a look here https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/52.53890/4.83687
> The import comes straight out of the Dutch Cadastre after a lot of hard work 
> getting the go ahead from the government. But my contributions are not among 
> them, the BAG (Basis Addresses and Buildings) don’t measure covered buildings 
> even if they are historic monuments, so that’s my speciality and they import 
> my OSM work into the BAG 🙂
> Greetz
> [https://www.openstreetmap.org/assets/osm_logo_256-cde84d7490f0863c7a0b0d0a420834ebd467c1214318167d0f9a39f25a44d6bd.png]<https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/52.53890/4.83687>
> OpenStreetMap<https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/52.53890/4.83687>
> OpenStreetMap is the free wiki world map. OpenStreetMap is a map of the 
> world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.
> www.openstreetmap.org<http://www.openstreetmap.org>
> ________________________________

Seid unbequem, seid Sand, nicht Öl im Getriebe der Welt! - Günther Eich
| Stephan Bösch-Plepelits  ❤ code ❤ urbanism ❤ free software ❤ cycling |
| Projects:                                                            |
| > OpenStreetMap: openstreetbrowser.org > openstreetmap.at            |
| > Urbanism: Radlobby Wien                                            |
| Contact:                                                             |
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