I agree that it would make sense to not ask whether a road has a
sidewalk outside of built-up areas because in most cases, it will have
no sidewalks.

Regrettably, whether a road is in a built-up area or outside is not an
information that is recorded in OSM.


On 14/02/2019 18:23, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> sent from a phone
>> On 14. Feb 2019, at 16:05, Rory McCann <r...@technomancy.org> wrote:
>> But in Ireland (& I think UK), all public roads except motorways, are 
>> foot=yes. Legally you can walk on the road, even if there is not footpath 
>> ("sidewalk"). I think this adds bloat and quests which will annoy mappers.
> Germany and Italy as well (motorroads and motorways excluded).
> Sooner or later we might add sidewalk=no tags to many roads in the 
> countryside (maybe, so long I wasn’t actually doing it). There may be a 
> fundamental conflict of the StreetComplete project (which encourages to 
> verify everything) and our usually sloppy way of assuming defaults. Problem 
> is with lots of “boring” tags on every object, we’ll loose focus/overview and 
> it might reduce data quality rather than augmenting it. I acknowledge some 
> compromise is already offered by asking only for roads without sidewalks, but 
> it is still too many, if it were only in built-up areas it would be probably 
> acceptable (for Italy or Germany).
> Cheers, Martin 
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