“simply map them by what they're called Cape Agulhas is a =cape, Cape York
Peninsula is a =peninsula.”

That only works in English (and closely-related languages).

This would also lead to multiple tags like natural=headland, natural=point
etc for the same feature; not helpful for database users and confusing for

I agree with Christoph, natural=cape should be tagged on a node to
represent an extreme point of land, such as a cape, headland, point etc.

Peninsula should mean an area of land near the coast that is mostly
surrounded by water, as the etymology shows (“pen-insula” = “almost-island”)

Some names capes, like “Cape Cod” in Massachusetts, can be tagged with a
natural=cape node at the point that extends furthest into the water. This
is useful for nautical charts and mapping the coastline. But “Cape Cod” is
also a long, thin peninsula, and this could also be mapped with a node at
the center of the area of land.

But the natural=cape of “Land’s End” in Cornwall, England probably is only
a natural=cape at the extreme point, since the whole Cornwall peninsula is
not called Land’s End (if I understood English geography correctly)

Some peninsulas will be called something else, like Point Reyes in
California. The name isn’t important for the definition.

On Sat, Jan 19, 2019 at 9:21 AM Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com>

> On Sat, 19 Jan 2019 at 09:26, Christoph Hormann <o...@imagico.de> wrote:
>> On Saturday 19 January 2019, Markus wrote:
>> > By the way, i measured a few dozen of
>> > points/capes/headlands/peninsulas of Brittany. Most either have an
>> > area of about 0.1–0.5 km² (they are usually called pointes 'points')
>> > or > 1.5 km² (called capes 'capes' or presqu'îles 'peninsulas'), so
>> > the 1 km² limit doesn't seem to be that bad, but could also be
>> > halved.
>> Frankly i don't even remotely follow your argument here.  Maybe it would
>> help if you could tell me how to determine the area of the capes i
>> previously used as examples:
> I'd suggest don't worry about their "size" & simply map them by what
> they're called Cape Agulhas is a =cape, Cape York Peninsula is a =peninsula.
> Smaller features, such as
> Burleigh Headland https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/-28.0932/153.4591
> ,
> Point Danger https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/-28.1650/153.5530, &
> Southport Spit https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=13/-27.9567/153.4276
> could all also be mapped as =cape (although the Spit should possibly be an
> =isthmus? {which doesn't actually exist yet!}))
> Thanks
> Graeme
> S
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