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On 2. Jan 2019, at 01:18, Kevin Kenny <> wrote:

>> I have never understood why people wanted to add place tags to 
>> administrative territorial entities like countries, states or 
>> municipalities. Aren’t these thoroughly defined with boundary=administrative 
>> and the related admin_level?
> Around here, it's because there are a fair number of places that don't
> have any form of self-government, but are still identifiable villages.

this is a different thing, place for settlements is perfectly fine, I agree 
they can be orthogonal to administrative subdivisions. 

Countries without an administrative border are harder, depending on our 
interpretation of the meaning of place=country it might not be completely 
impossible any more, as long as we had the on the ground rule of defacto 
control it wasn’t though (i.e. until very recently).

Cheers, Martin 
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