Am Mi., 26. Dez. 2018 um 16:47 Uhr schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer
> For practical reason, I would expect a scheme
> characteristic_I_need_to_know=yes/no
> much easier to evaluate than one like:
> some_services=foo;characteristic_I_need_to_know;bar

No it's not easier. The following

is three times more to read and write for humans, as compared to

and - again:

The form "detail:value:sub_value(:...)=?"
(1.) breaks fundamental(!) assumptions in OSM (assuming tags as a key
and value(s)).
And (2) it breaks programming principles (requiring a attribute-name
having value(s)).

So it's obvious why the Wiki and taginfo and you name it can't cope
with it. I'm sorry, but it's hard to be more clear and explicit than

And I hope for OSM that it's not becoming common - even given there
are other bad examples like recycling or service:bicycle [1].


P.S. Note that it's the fact that there are alternatives especially to
the boolean yes/no/unkown case and that tagging schemes like "socket"
[2] is acceptable since it's still about a value in the key=value


Am Mi., 26. Dez. 2018 um 16:47 Uhr schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer
> sent from a phone
> > On 26. Dec 2018, at 15:08, Stefan Keller <> wrote:
> >
> > Tag-proposals in the form
> > <tag_attr_name>:<type_value->[:<subtype_value>]=yes/no should be
> > avoided. It's shifting values to attribute names!
> it’s not a value, it‘s a property ;-)
> it depends on your interpretation, e.g. motorroad=yes
> oneway=yes
> aren’t these values and we should tag them
> road_restrictions=motorroad;oneway?
> top_up:phone=yes
> means: provides phone top up.
> For practical reason, I would expect a scheme
> characteristic_I_need_to_know=yes/no
> much easier to evaluate than one like:
> some_services=foo;characteristic_I_need_to_know;bar
> Cheers, Martin
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