Am Mi., 19. Dez. 2018 um 11:30 Uhr schrieb Volker Schmidt <

> "soft story" is actually an attribute of the whole building, not just one
>> floor. It's a recognized classification of a structural characteristic of
>> buildings.
> Yes and no.
> According to Wikipedia [1], (and using British English spelling and
> hyphenation) a soft-storey building has one ore more soft storeys (=levels
> in OSM speak).
> So if we know which level(s) are weak we need a way to map this. In case
> we only know that the building has a  "soft level" we need a different
> tagging.

weak according to what? Weaker than the rest of the structure? Weaker
against which kind of forces? Weaker than the current building code would
permit for a new construction? I can understand that an authority could
define criteria and asses buildings according to it and give them a class
like "soft storey", but this kind of generic class always implies some kind
of subjective judgement. I cannot see how this tag could be verifiable
apart from importing it from some authoritive source.

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