Yeah... you're right...

"/Buildings are classified as having a "soft story" if that level is less than 
70% as stiff as the floor immediately above it, or less than 80% as stiff as 
the average stiffness of the three floors above it./" [1]

hard to eyeball that...

But the key would be right for importing such information from some official 


On 2018-12-17 03:32, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Is "soft storey" something that is officially declared, or would it only be 
> based on an individual mappers opinion?
> As it refers to the possibly enhanced danger of a building collapsing during 
> an earthquake, are we leaving ourselves open to potential complaints from a 
> building owner that we have listed that building as "dangerous", usually 
> based solely on an external viewing by a (probably) unqualified person?
> Thanks
> Graeme
>     On 2018-12-17 00:42, Stefano Maffulli wrote:
>>     So far, building:soft_storey:y/n seems to be the least controversial way 
>> to tag these buildings. 
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