Am Do., 20. Dez. 2018 um 09:58 Uhr schrieb Michael Patrick <>:

> ...'Soft_storey' is part of a rapid VSM ( Rapid Visual Screening) process
> ( see Table 3 at for a global list of these, The
> U.S.A. FEMA )
> In the western United States, designating a building as a 'soft_story'
> visually with the intended meaning that it was at seismic risk, you
> would be off base. Many seismic retrofits, especially in historic
> buildings are invisible. And many with visible mitigation have
> other characteristics in the coding scheme which make them
> seriously at risk. The FEMA RVS is 388 pages because the
> assessment is not trivial. Seismic vulnerability is the sum total
> of many aspects.

indeed, that's what I was suspecting. Would it be possible to give mappers
summary advice on a short wikipage how to identify potential soft storey
buildings? Or is this something that requires expert training?

Regarding the choice of tag, I was looking at taginfo and the only current
tag with some usage I have found is

all instances have been added at once (i.e. either import or single
individual initiative).

The key is not bad, but could also omit the "type" and become
building:irregularity, or become a property
in case we expect more building irregularities on the same building. I also
note the word "structure" is not in the key, there might be other kinds of
e.g. geometric irregularities as well.

"story" is American English, in British spelling it should be "storey" (we
use British spelling in tag names by convention).

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