10 Dec 2018, 00:33 by ethnicfoodisgr...@gmail.com
> That is an unrealistic, pie-in-the-sky goal.  As long as mappers are free to 
> use any tag they like, and OSM is a mishmash of tags, how could anyone rely 
> on it for anything very important?
In cases where no better data is available.

For example in Poland firefighters use OSM data for routing and geolocation.

Including routing and geolocation during emergencies (112 calls).

As of early 2018 firefighters were not allowed to official road data that in 
addition in many cases has quality lower than OSM.

Also, sole large scale database of fire hydrants is in OSM and it is maintained 
in large part by firefighters.
And for such uses using scheme issues are anyway not a major problem.
Seriously, why free form tagging would be becoming suddenly problem for 
important uses?
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