This also occurs here in Spain with some forest fire services finding more
valuable and precise data about forest tracks and it current state in OSM
than in any other place. I personally know of some people working in
emergency related services that are interested in using OSM and became
mappers for this reason. I agree that this feature could be better
described under the office tag, but office=control_centre is too vague and
generic. It should be better office=emergency_control_centre. May be this
way will be sufficient for a search if it is improved a bit (search
emergency=* and *=*emergency*, instead of search emergency=* only) and the
additional secondary tag emergency=yes would we duplicated and unnecessary.


El lun., 10 dic. 2018 a las 3:29, Daniel Koć (<daniel@koć.pl>) escribió:

> W dniu 10.12.2018 o 00:33, EthnicFood IsGreat pisze:
> > That is an unrealistic, pie-in-the-sky goal.  As long as mappers are
> > free to use any tag they like, and OSM is a mishmash of tags, how
> > could anyone rely on it for anything very important?
> Good question. And the answer is - don't underestimate how big OSM
> ecosystem is and don't try to limit how is it really used, because you
> would be surprised...
> In Poland we have a  commercial implementation of GIS system in State
> Fire Service using OSM data (not exclusively):
> Video of presentation from SotM PL 2018 is here (in Polish, maybe some
> translation will be available):
> --
> "Excuse me, I have some growing up to do" [P. Gabriel]
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