Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2018 20:46:48 +0000
From: Javier Sánchez Portero <>
To: "Tag discussion, strategy and related tools"
Subject: Re: [Tagging] emergency=control_centre
I answer inline to Paul and Markus
El dom., 9 dic. 2018 a las 15:12, Paul Allen (<>)
On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 3:06 PM dktue <> wrote:
I would like to propose a tag for emergency control centers (the place
you reach when you call 112 in Europe).
As far as I know, these are places one contacts via telephone. They may
be located far from
the locality they serve, even though calls from that locality may be
routed to one particular
control centre. Are the ones you are familiar with of a kind where one
must walk in to report
an emergency? Unless they are, it serves no purpose to mark them on a
map. Unless, perhaps,
one is a terrorist intent upon damaging infrastructure.
I kindly disagree with you. I think this information is important in the
map as is everything related to emergencies.
Of course the emergency services should have their own maps
and data bases, but I think that is our goal to offer the best possible
geographic information data base for all kind of user and to serve as a
valid alternative to any government user which want to use it.
That is an unrealistic, pie-in-the-sky goal. As long as mappers are
free to use any tag they like, and OSM is a mishmash of tags, how could
anyone rely on it for anything very important?
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