On 11/28/18 11:49, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
No need for conspiracy theories. We simply need more contributors at 
openstreetmap-carto who are willing to volunteer their time to fix these 
issues. But we are about to start rendering the equivalent protected_class 
boundaries for national parks and nature reserves in the next release, this 
and On 11/28/18 04:12, Daniel Koć wrote:
It took me a lot of time and effort to compare them with nature reserves and 
national parks, trying to find some common ground, so I had enough of it for 
over a year... However there seems to be no clear rule to convert, so when 
someone nudged me lately, I just did the rest of a dirty work with the code and 
now it awaits for the comments (or approval of some other collaborator) and, 
hopefully, next release. That's all story. We really do need more coders. With 
~350 open tickets there's still a lot of work for everyone.

Hi Joseph and Daniel,
This is great news... Thank you both so much! (and to the whole carto team!) I 
guess I hadn't appreciated that it would be a difficult change, from a position 
of total ignorance it sounded pretty straightforward - obviously I shouldn't 
jump to conclusions.

The point is taken about the workload and lack of coders. It has always amazed 
me that the team manages to produce a robust, attractive and coherent map from 
the disparate tagging styles and sometime slightly weird practices that can be 
found in the database (I'd love to help but I think my coding years are behind 
me). This forthcoming change will make mapping life a lot easier around here, 
and probably in a lot of other regions, and we can now go back and clean up 
some of the questionable "tagging for the renderer" that has accumulated over 
recent years around this topic.

I'm sorry if my slightly hysterical posts were over the top. No offense 
intended. Perhaps I should see someone about my paranoid tendencies:-) I also 
realize that these kinds of mailing list discussions are a distraction from the 
real work. Sorry!

Thanks very much, again..
Doug Hembry

PS: (I can't resist....) If you guys wanted to burnish your already hero status 
in 2019, it would be really helpful to have the boundary=protected_area 
rendering differentiate "closed" areas (based on the access tag) as is done for 
roads today. A simple dashed rendering would probably suffice. But maybe I 
should wait for the forthcoming change first, and then teach myself how to 
raise an issue on github in the approved manner.
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