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> On 8. Oct 2018, at 20:17, bkil <> wrote:
> How do you like this one?
> shop=deli + cuisine=pierogi

+1 to a dedicated tag, e.g. deli=pierogi
Maybe you’d want to distinguish deli from ordinary pierogi though.
What about shop=food food=pierogi for the „usual“ pierogi shop?

I think it could eventually make sense to have a more generic shop=food tag for 
special food shops, which can then get the subtags that are needed for the 
local context. I just don’t think it should be used for generic food shops, as 
there is already a wide variety of tags in use that better describe the shop 
(convenience, supermarket, greengrocer, etc.). Maybe it should get a different 
name, because „food“ will be interpreted in all kinds of ways, including cooked 

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