On Wednesday 26 September 2018, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> I added a comment on avoiding duplication - I would be very unhappy
> if every feature on the planet that currently only has a name tag
> would now be amended with an identical name:xx tag just because xx is
> the language spoken in that country!

Yes, this is probably the key obstacle to all attempts to abolish the 
plain name tag (with all its inherent problems) because at least 
temporarily (until a new name tagging system is fully established) 
there would be need to keep the old name tag and any adoption of the 
new system would require duplication.  There is no solution for this, 
it is an inevitable side effect of actually solving the naming problem 
in OSM instead of just doctoring around the symptoms.

But the good news is that both the proposal of Joseph and my suggestion 
would allow a simple an reliable fallback to the current tagging scheme 
so once most data users are capable of interpreting the new scheme you 
could smoothly convert the tagging feature by feature without  
duplication and without a negative effect on usability.

The big problem of this approach however is that you would need to 
convince data users to implement interpretation of a new tagging system 
up-front without the database containing significant amounts of data 
where this would be useful for.  This is not just buying the cat in a 
sac, it is like building a home for the cat without having seen it yet.

Christoph Hormann

Tagging mailing list

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