On 08.09.2018 01:30, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
On 8. Sep 2018, at 01:19, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm also quite definitely not an expert Dave :-), but personally, I think that
your highway=service + service=turnout concept may be the easiest, least messy
or complicated way of doing it?
if these are lanes it would not be acceptable, but if there’s a proper
carriageway on its own it is the way to go.
What Martin means is, it depends on physical separation. If the lane is physically separated e.g. by
a barrier being at least a kerb, highway=service + service=* is fine. If not, the lane tagging comes
in, and we have an established tagging style for lane properties.
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