2018.07.27. 3:15 keltezéssel, Warin írta:
Just use the tag. 245 in the data base now.

As for fees they can be tagged with fee= tag
As for the permit conditions .. well you could just tag permit=*

I'd just do it. Overpass turbo shows a wide distribution around the world.
It makes much more sense that some tags already on the wiki.

I may well add it to the wiki, documents tags in the data base. While small in number it does show what they are about and may help others to use them appropriately rather than inappropriately or just ignore them through ignorance.

Thanks for everybody's reply.
Adding to the wiki is a possible solution... If it happens I will write to our mailing list, to begin to use. Only a few things: I don't want to start an editors war :) But I don't understand, why is a bad idea to make a new tag especially there are several other "permission is required" roads exist. The word "license / authorization" was only an idea, I knew the "permit" is the best one, but I thought it's similar to "permissive". The most important thing that these road are basically different to others and their length are hundreds of kilometers.

We've made a biking map to show some different type of roads
A part of the legend of the map (public roads)

Meaning of the columns:
normal roads - cycling routes on roads (icn - lcn) - proposed cycling routes - *permission is required* - destination traffic - cycling is forbidden

And here is part of the map (on the right "private" road)

/You could delete these images, before your answer to decrease the size/

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