On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 5:56 AM Volker Schmidt <vosc...@gmail.com> wrote: > I would make the distinction bub from a map-data end-user's point of view: > can I walk/drive up to the place and obtain a permit on the fly, with or > without paying a "fee". The on-the-fly payment may include payment of > membership of some kind on first entry, or similar arrangements. If access > requires prior membership in a club or an association, I would suggest to use > access=members. Admittedly there is a soft border with "customers", for > example in case of access to the car park of shops that requires membership > (e.g. REI in the US).
You're right, that's certainly a consideration. In my mind, it's at the next level after 'is permission routinely offered to the general public, or do I have to have a reason for being there?' One use case for wanting to know that: Let's say that I want to plan a trip to climb North Dome, Balsam Mountain and Mount Sherrill - which cluster around https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/357607470. None of these has an established trail. I can access North Dome from the north by one of several narrow strips of foot=yes land that border County Road #6. I cannot access from the south over the abandoned logging road, because Camp Timber Lake is access=members and does NOT welcome visitors. I can access Balsam Mountain from CR6 to the north as long as I've brought my (free of cost) permission card, because the general public routinely has access to https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/6304793. In fact, the city recently changed that unit from foot=permit to foot=yes, so I don't even need to remember the card. For what it's worth, on the actual trip, I started from https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/292018893, followed the survey line north of North Dome until it intersected the northern spur of the mountain, and got to the summit from there, and eventually emerged at https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/20093167. That way is mismapped (thanks, TIGER!), but my GPS was wonky just then, and I haven't been back down that way since, so I left it alone. It's a service way that goes to a shaft associated with the water tunnel. There's parking for climbers and hunters there. I'm a long way from mapping 'access=members' recreational areas. I have my hands full with public ones! By the way, REI doesn't require a membership to enter or to shop (and incidentally sells the membership in-store). Most shoppers there are members, because there are discounts, dividends, and extended warranties on purchases that they find to be worth the small fee for becoming a member. But there are stores with the model that you imagine - usually they're wholesalers that aren't set up to collect general sales tax, so require their customers to have a membership (with a business licence and reseller number on file). Some of these have branched out into direct-to-consumer sales but continue a membership requirement. _______________________________________________ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/tagging