> On Jun 23, 2018, at 10:58 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> +1, if you want to describe the position of a first aid kit, a sensible tag 
> seems emergency=first_aid_kid
> For a staffed location where you go for first aid, emergency=first_aid seems 
> ok (I’d rather use something more verbose like first_aid_station or facility 
> to avoid confusing them with the kits).

Let’s just keep this scoped to first aid kits.  If it was staffed location, I’d 
probably use something under `healthcare=*`  (maybe `clinic`)  

> Generally, it is not OK to set up wiki pages for rarely used tags out from 
> nothing, they should be added as proposals to make it easier for 
> inexperienced mappers to distinguish established tags from adhoc drafts 
> without consolidated content.

Yes it is OK to
- invent a new tag value and 
- setup a wiki page for it and 
- notify the tagging list.  

People do this all the time (maybe without notifying the tagging list, but 
let’s encourage more of that).

Proposals should only be for when we’re inventing a new toplevel key or 
introducing a change that affects a lot of things (like PTv2, healthcare, etc). 
 I see a lot of proposal misuse and proposals that shouldn’t be proposals in 
the first place - let’s stop doing this.

FWIW, someone else already made the wiki page.  I’ve cleaned it up and added 
the preset to iD.

> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:emergency=first_aid 
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:emergency=first_aid>
So that’s the tag.  Be glad we accomplished something!

Thanks,  Bryan

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