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> On 20. Jun 2018, at 21:25, Simon Poole <> wrote:
> I'm actually not quite happy with the whole thing as it would seem to range
> from a potentially staffed first aid facility to what you were looking for, a
> simple first aid kit. In practical terms that would be a rather big
> difference that should be reflected in the tagging.
+1, if you want to describe the position of a first aid kit, a sensible tag
seems emergency=first_aid_kid
For a staffed location where you go for first aid, emergency=first_aid seems ok
(I’d rather use something more verbose like first_aid_station or facility to
avoid confusing them with the kits).
Generally, it is not OK to set up wiki pages for rarely used tags out from
nothing, they should be added as proposals to make it easier for inexperienced
mappers to distinguish established tags from adhoc drafts without consolidated
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