@Martin:I don't want to be a troll, but I feel there is some inconsistence
between answers in this thread and answers in cycle:lanes last week.

@javier, yopaseopor: I don't drive, but I think you can overtake a Guardia
Civil car in two-way roads where there are one lane.
The cycle:lane thread told much about what is and isn't to be marked as
lane, and one case came to my mind.
 Think of the road from Villoslada de Cameros, Rioja, Spain and Montenegro
de Cameros, Soria, SameCountry. Rioja side is a two-fake-lanes road ("line
between lanes just mark centre of road") while Soria side is a two way one
lane road (markings at sides of the road). The width of the road is the

P.D. Enviado desde un móvil (celular). Disculpe las erratas. No veo bien la

El 23/5/2018 7:16, <osm.tagg...@thorsten.engler.id.au> escribió:

*From:* yo paseopor <yopaseo...@gmail.com>
*Sent:* Wednesday, 23 May 2018 04:11

*To:* Tag discussion, strategy and related tools <tagging@openstreetmap.org>
*Subject:* Re: [Tagging] Sample tagging for highways with no lane markings




I would consider that wrong.



is a road that is so narrow that opposing traffic can only pass by slowing
down and making use of shoulder/verge to pass each other. Or maybe even has
the need to look for a
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway=passing_place to be able to
pass each other (like the example image shown on that page).

What your image above shows is pretty clearly a lanes=2, which you can see
very well by just following the street a few meters:


as you can see, there are clear road markings establishing two lanes.

Here is an example of the roads I mean that should be tagged with



(oneway=no is normally implicit, so no need to tag it when there is no
reason to wrongly assume a road should be oneway)


You can see that the roads generally have no marked lanes, but at the
T-intersection there are markings that make it clear the road is intended
to be a two lane road.


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