No. And that’s exactly my point. There are restrictions being added for which I don’t see any basis except “it’s physically a bad idea”. There is no explicit no u-turn sign, and you can see the road markings in bing imagery here:
For Marsh Parade and Cottenwood Circuit, there are no road markings at all (no centre line) after the split ways join. For Discovery Drive, there is a dashed line in both directions from the point where the split ways join on. My initial post on this topic gives some context which may help you to understand the situation. In contrast, here is a no_u_turn restriction that I added: If you switch to edit mode, you can see in bing that there is actually a double solid line following the unification of the two ways. And here:,153.0014115,3a,75y,100.42h,82.68t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-vnw60jwbq7XyR_-zZfreg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 (again, excuse the streetview link, don’t have another photo of it right now, but I’m driving past it almost every day and added the restriction based on personal knowledge, not the streetview image) you can see the explicit no u-turn sign. It’s now no longer possible to distinguish the legal turn restriction that I mapped from the “somebody (or a program) thought it might be a bad idea to turn there” restrictions that are being added. Cheers, Thorsten From: Martin Koppenhoefer <> Sent: Friday, 6 April 2018 00:13 To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools <> Subject: Re: [Tagging] no_u_turn restrictions for every entry/exit into a roundabout when the way is split because of physical separation? 2018-04-05 12:40 GMT+02:00 < <> >: Yes, but all the cases I pointed out either have no road markings at all, or a dashed line once the two lanes come together. (I happen to live 300m from these.) if there are neither road markings nor signs, why are there restrictions? Is this a default restriction coming from some law based on context? Cheers, Martin
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