I think Google, at least, is aware of it and made a decision not to use the

In another project, I gained some experience with their mapping API, and
the lack of ½ (and bis, etc.) caused some headaches when trying to geocode
addresses. For your example, trying to resolve 40½ Rue de Carillon gives a
"partial match" and returns just the geocode for "Rue de Carillon", not
even "40 Rue de Carillon".


So for the other project, we had to strip out the numerical modifiers (½,
bis ...) before trying to geocode. We could have tried to interpolate but
that would have created other headaches.

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 9:41 PM, James <james2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> https://www.google.ca/maps/place/40+Rue+de+Carillon,+Gatinea
> u,+QC+J8X+2N7/@45.4286021,-75.7232533,19z/data=!4m2!3m1!
> 1s0x4cce048bb61faba1:0x6e537799a3a8fb18
> Google just removes the ½ and only resolves the 40.
> Same with bing:
> https://binged.it/2FAlwVK
> Same with Here maps:
> https://wego.here.com/canada/gatineau/street-square/40-rue-
> de-carillon--loc-dmVyc2lvbj0xO3RpdGxlPTQwK1J1ZS
> tkZStDYXJpbGxvbjtsYW5nPWZyO2xhdD00NS40Mjg1MzkyNzYxMjMwNTtsb2
> 49LTc1LjcyMzE5NzkzNzAxMTcyO3N0cmVldD1SdWUrZGUrQ2FyaWxsb247aG
> 91c2U9NDA7Y2l0eT1HYXRpbmVhdTtwb3N0YWxDb2RlPUo4WCsyTjc7Y291bn
> M7c3RhdGVDb2RlPVFDO2NvdW50eT1HYXRpbmVhdTtjYXRlZ29yeUlkPWJ1aW
> xkaW5nO3NvdXJjZVN5c3RlbT1pbnRlcm5hbDtubGF0PTQ1LjQyODUzMTY0Nj
> cyODUxNjtubG9uPS03NS43MjMzNTA1MjQ5MDIzNA?map=45.42838,-75.
> 72271,19,normal&msg=40%20Rue%20de%20Carillon
> I'm thinking they are not aware of it....
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018, 4:12 PM Michał Brzozowski, <www.ha...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I'd look how other map providers solved this.
>> On a side note, why I've never see such phrase on this list? We'd figure
>> out many problems by looking how others do things. There's nothing wrong
>> with it.
>> Michał
>> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 8:06 PM, Brad Neuhauser <brad.neuhau...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> I found it hard to pull out usage of "1/2" through taginfo, but was able
>>> to search for usage of the UTF-8 version (½):
>>> https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=%C2%BD#values It's used very
>>> few times (~200) and many are by the same user, which seems like more
>>> argument against using UTF-8.
>>> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 11:17 AM, James <james2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> so far the fractions I've seen are ½ and ¾ and ¼. On phones it's very
>>>> easy to input fraction in unicode(press and hold the numerical value of the
>>>> numerator: 1 for ½, ¼ or 2 for ⅔), but I agree that dealing with Bom of
>>>> UTF-8 usually ends up being messed up and is why I'm asking what the norm
>>>> for OSM is
>>>> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018, 12:04 PM Vladimír Slávik, <
>>>> slavik.vladi...@seznam.cz> wrote:
>>>>> Technical: Unicode will be hard to manipulate by hand without a table
>>>>> of characters/symbols to copy from. Subsequent editors or users down the
>>>>> chain of tools will break it. Most prominently, search may break, because
>>>>> users will not know how to input 1/2. (Oh look, I just didn't, either...).
>>>>> Is it common to have more complicated fractions? Here we append
>>>>> letters to do the same, and I have seen places where they had to go all 
>>>>> the
>>>>> way to "h" - which would be 1/8 for you? Or 8/8? Does unicode even have
>>>>> 8/8? I haven't been able to find a decisive answer.
>>>>> ---------- Původní e-mail ----------
>>>>> Od: James <james2...@gmail.com>
>>>>> Komu: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools <
>>>>> tagging@openstreetmap.org>
>>>>> Datum: 12. 3. 2018 16:46:40
>>>>> Předmět: [Tagging] Tagging fraction house numbers?
>>>>> https://i.imgur.com/eigT5hX_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&f
>>>>> idelity=medium
>>>>> How should this be tagged in housenumber? Using unicode ( ½ ) or
>>>>> ASCII( 1/2 )?
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