I'd look how other map providers solved this.

On a side note, why I've never see such phrase on this list? We'd figure
out many problems by looking how others do things. There's nothing wrong
with it.


On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 8:06 PM, Brad Neuhauser <brad.neuhau...@gmail.com>

> I found it hard to pull out usage of "1/2" through taginfo, but was able
> to search for usage of the UTF-8 version (½):
> https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=%C2%BD#values It's used very
> few times (~200) and many are by the same user, which seems like more
> argument against using UTF-8.
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 11:17 AM, James <james2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> so far the fractions I've seen are ½ and ¾ and ¼. On phones it's very
>> easy to input fraction in unicode(press and hold the numerical value of the
>> numerator: 1 for ½, ¼ or 2 for ⅔), but I agree that dealing with Bom of
>> UTF-8 usually ends up being messed up and is why I'm asking what the norm
>> for OSM is
>> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018, 12:04 PM Vladimír Slávik, <
>> slavik.vladi...@seznam.cz> wrote:
>>> Technical: Unicode will be hard to manipulate by hand without a table of
>>> characters/symbols to copy from. Subsequent editors or users down the chain
>>> of tools will break it. Most prominently, search may break, because users
>>> will not know how to input 1/2. (Oh look, I just didn't, either...).
>>> Is it common to have more complicated fractions? Here we append letters
>>> to do the same, and I have seen places where they had to go all the way to
>>> "h" - which would be 1/8 for you? Or 8/8? Does unicode even have 8/8? I
>>> haven't been able to find a decisive answer.
>>> ---------- Původní e-mail ----------
>>> Od: James <james2...@gmail.com>
>>> Komu: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools <
>>> tagging@openstreetmap.org>
>>> Datum: 12. 3. 2018 16:46:40
>>> Předmět: [Tagging] Tagging fraction house numbers?
>>> https://i.imgur.com/eigT5hX_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&f
>>> idelity=medium
>>> How should this be tagged in housenumber? Using unicode ( ½ ) or ASCII(
>>> 1/2 )?
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