On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 10:55 PM, Cez jod <czu...@gmail.com> wrote:

Everyone is focused on amenity=drinking water. I have a question for the
> source tag amenity=water_point, waterway=water_point (waterway=fuel maybe
> also should be?) Is all confusion about amenity=drinking_water and
> amenity=water_point related to the grammar of english language?

It appears to have arisen from some mappers doing some silly things.

A waterway, in English, and on OSM is a *navigable* body of inland water
such as a river or a canal.  There's another  meaning in English (but not
OSM) of waterway to mean a conduit to drain water.

As it says on the wiki (you do check the wiki, don't you) somebody
mistakenly used waterway=water_point instead of amenity=drinking_water.
(safe to drink) or man_made=water_tap (not necessarily safe to drink) or
amenity=water_point (safe to fill holding tanks with drinking water).

This was later used by UK mappers to mean a place to fill holding tanks on
canal boats.  So waterway=water_point is drinking water, but from a tap not
a drinking fountain and probably capable of high flow rates, and
specifically for filling holding tanks on boats.  amenity=water_point is
the equivalent for caravan parks.  Arguably, waterway=water_point should be
deprecated in favour of amenity=water_point, but OSM (like many languages)
has irregularities and exceptions.

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