
Le 09. 01. 18 à 18:21, Daniel Koć a écrit :
> - man_made=water_tap
> - amenity=water_point

after reading the wiki again and using overpass, it look like that :

water_tap give small amount of water (only in public location) that can 
be drinkable of not.

water_point give a larger amount of water always drinkable (but overpass 
found 16% of ["amenity"="water_point"]["drinking_water"="no"] and I 
found not tag that can be used in this case)

so I see no overlap between those tag (overpass still found 2% of 
water_point that also have water_tap) but I have no idea is the render 
should use another icon or not.

maybe man_made=water_tap + drinking_water=yes (40%) should be render as 
an alias of amenity=water_point if we don't care it could be private.
half of those have amenity=water_point

> - man_made=water_well (including optional tag pump=powered/manual)
it is a totaly different thing, water is pumped from the groundwater.

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