W dniu 09.01.2018 o 21:45, Mateusz Konieczny pisze:
My interpretation is that:

mark place used to get water, synonymous for most purposes
- but amenity=water_point may be used  also to supply large volume of

I don't think they are synonymous - water point says nothing about drinkability. I think it's too important feature in general (I mean outside West countries and in the outdoor) to just guess it when we have special tagging for it.


These tags do not indicate that water is available but precisely
describe what kind of structure exists at a given place.

I would probably use water=no if I knew they don't provide the water, but it's quite rare tag (183 uses). My general assumption would be however that the water is there.

Similarly amenity=drinking_water may also appear on objects
that are neither taps nor wells - like fountains or drinkable
mountainous stream in place where it is easy for tourists to get water
or many other object (I am unable to find image now but I encountered
mountainous stream with wooden construction that made refilling
bottles easy, with information board that water is drinkable).

Thanks, that's interesting example where this tag could be used alone, probably.

I would say that amenity=drinking_water is a general source of the high quality water and it would be good to make it more specific if possible - adding tap, well and pump tags would be nice.

Similar with amenity=water_point - it's also general, but without claiming anything about drinkability. Adding device type would be nice too.

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