See also

My comments were:

I agree it's confusing. On one reading of the wiki man_made=water _tap with
amenity=drinking_water would mean the exactly the same as man_made=water_tap +

On the other hand I think amenity=drinking_water should be reserved for
things primarily intended for direct water consumption, like a bubler or
fountain or roman style fountain like

A tap in the garden is intended to water the plans, not to drink straight
out of (even though physically it's very similar to that roman fountain) so
shouldn't have amenity=drinking_water, it should be man_made=water_tap +

So the function of a water tap is primarily to attach a hose to, whereas
amenity=drinking_water is primarily to drink directly from the steam of
water. But this isn't really well documented on the wiki.

On 10 January 2018 at 04:21, Daniel Koć <daniel@koć.pl> wrote:

> Hi,
> We're currently trying to add new icons for water sources on osm-carto and
> this time it seems that proposed shapes are nice in my opinion, but we're
> not sure what's the difference between some popular tagging schemes.
> Currently we show only amenity=drinking_water, but there are also:
> - man_made=water_tap
> - amenity=water_point
> - man_made=water_well (including optional tag pump=powered/manual)
> How they all relate to each other? Are they totally different or they do
> overlap or are synonyms in reality? Is there any other popular water source
> tagging scheme missing from this list?
> (I exclude emergency=fire_hydrant as something very distinct and
> specialized).
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