Yes, I agree "school" is a pretty loose term used from anything ranging from kindergarten to primary to secondary school / high school / college.

However, "college" and "university" aren't. College, as Vao Matua also pointed out, usually refers to secondary school / high school age education, where the buildings do have additional (lab) facilities for science teaching, where a primary school usually wouldn't.

I am fully aware many secondary schools / high schools are currently simply tagged "building=school". Ideally though, if there is a proper reference to "building=college" as well, I think many of these may in the long run be retagged to this more appropriate tag, if it clearly explains referencing secondary / high school education.

An extra mildly complicating factor is the English education system "university college" term... I would classify the buildings belonging to those as "building=university", but I guess people from Britain wouldn't necessarily.

Anyway, no tagging scheme for education will ever be perfect, the differences between individual countries and the usage of specific terminology is vast.

Op 7-12-2017 om 17:05 schreef Martin Koppenhoefer:
2017-12-07 14:40 GMT+01:00 Marco Boeringa < <>>:

    * school: tag mostly used for kindergarten or primary school:
    generally only classrooms and no dedicated laboratory / science /
    workshop rooms with electrity, water, gas and a range of technical

"school" is also used for some secondary schools, not just for primary schools. It isn't typically used AFAIK for kindergartens.


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