Hi Tom,

Good point you raise about the building topology, but I do think there are reasons to allow this:

- As to your point of building topology, as I mostly interpret this:

* school: tag mostly used for kindergarten or primary school: generally only classrooms and no dedicated laboratory / science / workshop rooms with electrity, water, gas and a range of technical equipment

* college: additional facilities like dedicated laboratory / science / workshop rooms with electrity, water, gas and a range of technical equipment including one or two fume hoods are usually standard

* university: full lab facilities including expensive equipment requiring skilled operators, fume hoods, off-limit lab rooms for specialized research etc.

Of course, this is just a rough classification. E.g. a high paid luxurious private school/college may have more facilities than some public school/college.

- An additional reason for allowing this type of tagging, is that you can symbolize the actual buildings involved in a distinct way / color in a style.

By the way, I agree not all buildings on an e.g. an amentiy=university campus should by default be tagged building=university if there is a more appropriate tag. E.g., if the building is a garage, office or hospital just being part of the amenity=university campus grounds, tag the relevant tag and not generic building=university.


Op 7-12-2017 om 13:53 schreef Tom Pfeifer:
The method just to copy the amenity value onto the building value dilutes the idea that the building tag should describe the building typology.

An educational campus often consists both of purpose-built buildings, e.g. with a large lecture hall, as well as re-dedicated buildings such as a villa now being used for researcher's offices or seminar rooms.

So what is the building type difference between building=school and building=college when it consists of seminar/class rooms?

Similarly there is little difference between a building with classrooms used for a primary school or a kindergarten.

Anyway, what is the architectural perspective?


On 07.12.2017 13:13, Marco Boeringa wrote:

is missing from the main building key page (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:building).

This tag is the equivalent of building=school/university as the accompanying key for tagging the actual buildings of an "amenity=college". It seems logical to add this to the building key page for consistency with school/university amenities and buildings.

There is already an English Wiki page that can be linked from the building page if this tag is added to the Civic/Amenity section just like the school/university examples:


which also gives the TagInfo stat of almost 15.000 uses, so probably reason enough to add this to the main building key page as well.

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