In Samoa the term "College" refers to a secondary school also known as a
high school in other places.

It seems that building=yes plus amenity=university for the area around the
buildings would work for the college question.

Can someone explain why there isn't a landuse=education tag, or something

On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 7:48 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer <>

> 2017-12-07 13:53 GMT+01:00 Tom Pfeifer <>:
>> So what is the building type difference between building=school and
>> building=college when it consists of seminar/class rooms?
> yes, these seem to describe the same (maybe there are differences,
> according to the type of college and special rooms needed for this).
>> Similarly there is little difference between a building with classrooms
>> used for a primary school or a kindergarten.
> if you speak about Germany, there are differences. Kindergartens are
> usually built cheaper, have a different structure, and I think it is mostly
> like this. Kindergartens don't need a space for the kids to go during
> breaks for example.
> Cheers,
> Martin
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