On Thursday 06 April 2017 00:29:49 Tom Pfeifer wrote:
> On 05.04.2017 23:19, Warin wrote:
> > Where the solid lines start have a separate way for each lane
> Do _not_. Separate ways are used when the roads are physically separated,
> not when a white line is painted. Lane mapping would get you reverted.
> > this way routing engines will regard them as separate roads and stop
> > trying to get you from one lane to another.
> OSM is not only for car routing. Imagine a chicken wants to cross the road,
> and stumbles over all those separate ways just representing lanes.
> > Then do your turn restrictions.
> Turn restrictions are not used for restricting the change of lanes.
> > On 06-Apr-17 04:09 AM, Kevin Kenny wrote:
> >> Do we have a scheme for tagging such a beast?
> You can combine turn:lanes [1] with change:lanes [2], the first describe
> which lane you have to use for which turn, the second where you can change
> lanes and where not.
> [1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:turn
> [2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:change
> If you want to show us the current situation, you can drive along with the
> mapillary app and upload, so you don't need to show outdated G*****
> pictures ;-)

There is a very complicated segment of highway in my city where, although the 
road is not separated, white lines are painted along the way regulating lane 
changes to force vehicles intending to cross the harbour enter a specific lane 
very early. Those lanes were mistakenly mapped as separate carriageways where 
I intensively modified to reflect the physical situation on the ground, with 
complete lane tags:


An effect of those white lines is the prohibition below, which forbids all 
motor vehicles except buses and tourist bus from using the below route (note 
the bus lanes tagged in http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/485146377 ):


I need to make sure that routers do not show the above forbidden route except 
doing bus routing. Do the routers able to parse those extremely complicated 
lane taggings?


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