Hi Martin,

do I need to search for "quintessence of osm" or "tagging of individual
aspects" to RTFM ? ;-)

Also in this case (such as with the email stuff)
I think it would be good to link to those "basics" in the relevant
documentation (RFC template ?)
to enable the new users to find it.

RTFM doesn't mean to me that I have to search for (possibly
"proprietary") terms
in the "top right OSM search box above".
(see the comment of Warin61 regarding the "feature" term in the
discussion "Values")

Thanks for all your input.

Is there any "basic info" I should read ?


Am 07.03.2017 um 15:51 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
> 2017-03-07 13:30 GMT+01:00 Thilo Haug <th...@gmx.de
> <mailto:th...@gmx.de>>:
>     there's a totally different, interesting approach from Dieterdreist :
> Thank you for the laurel, but I have to reject them, prefering the
> tagging of individual aspects (many tags with clearly defined scope)
> rather than aggregated conclusions (few tags that combine different
> aspects of the same thing) is long proclaimed common practise in OSM.
> It makes the data more universally usable. It's the quintessence of osm.
> Cheers,
> Martin
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Thilo Haug
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